With Angelo and sleepy Eli
Ate Ollie and Kuya JB's son, Eli, celebrated his first birthday yesterday at Royal Palm Residences clubhouse. The theme of the party was UP! Eli was super cute in his Russel outfit. The whole venue was prettily decorated and the whole party was well organized. The emcee/magician/puppet master was pretty good as well. He sure knows how to get the attention of the audience (both kids and adults). Click this to see the pictures from the party.
A huge poster of Eli greeted the visitors at the entrance.
The stage had a replica of the old man's house with floating balloons. The house is about 3 feet tall. Lolo made this for Eli.
A miniature replica of the house for the table centerpiece.
And for the loot bags/giveaways, each kid got to take home a backpack with goodies inside.

One Big Happy family!
I like your cute little blog dear. :)
thank you, zai! :D