I asked Santa to make my Christmas this year extra special. And guess what? He did grant me my wish. Ho-ho-ho!
Lovies. An afternoon of drama and love with these people in Katipunan. I love you hubby and my co-wives. (That didn't sound right!) How come no one brings camera when we're together. :P
BLD Shine 2010! Great Worship led by Christel, Tim, Riza, Kris and Sancho. Kinilabutan ako sa inyo! Also, thank you to our ates and kuyas who willingly shared their time, talent and TREASURES to the youth ministry. We were aiming for P9.0K for the food. Truly, the Lord provides as we were able to get a total of 18.2K. Double of what we needed!!! Huwag sana kayong magsawa sa pagtulong sa youth!
JC2x Year 3 - Bachelor Blues. Great food with great people! Photobooth fever. I miss this. Happy birthday boys!
CMG Gleeks. What is career? Congratulations to everyone who performed. Ang galing niyong lahat!

If you notice, I'm wearing a pink dress which my mom made. Was trying to copy Queen's costume in their Lady Gaga episode. Aina wore balloons for the bubble dress. We all looked pretty weird. Nonetheless, we both won best costume. Yey!!!
Christmas Day.Bicol Trip.I love my 4-day trip to Bicol with these amazing people. Lolo wanted to go back to his hometown, while Mama was nagging us for the past 2 years to go see Mayon. Finally, both of their wishes came true.
Mayon Volcao is very beautiful! I want to go back there.

Who would have thought a person with no-sense-of-balance like me was able to finish the course not only once but thrice and even beat the boys. Kuya's going to take his revenge next time, sama ulit ako! Will come back for you CWC!
I love you December 2010!
~ It's the most wonderful time of the year, Rica Gran