Last sembreak? *Crossed-fingers* Hopefully, this will be the last for my first course. I'm still thinking whether to pursue another college degree after Economics. It's actually my mom's fault why I'm having second thoughts of studying again. She never fails to include it in our conversations. She has always been vocal with regards to her wish for me to take accounting after graduation. Studying in another university didn't appeal to me. I tried opening up to her about my plans of studying abroad but she refuses. I approximately have six months to re-consider her offer. *thinks hard* Then I realize, I am suppose to talk about my sembreak. Sorry about the leeway, back to Rica's sembreak 2009.
First Week
October 19-22
Aside from planning for our Evsem that coming weekend, I practically didn't do anything productive that week. I just cleaned my room, fixed my messy table, discarded unwanted things/tests/handouts from my first semester subjects (I did file some important things though) and created this blog. But that's just about it. Over-all, I had the luxury of sleeping for more than 12 hours, pig out without worrying about having a big tummy and just do nothing.
October 23-25
After a week of not seeing anyone from Ateneo (except for Angelo who visited about thrice that week), I was able to see them again. It was one crazy weekend for me. See previous post.
Second Week
October 26-28
Bonding with Angelo. (26) He paid me a short visit before going to his weekly badminton practice. (27) We also enlisted together at my place since he's having difficulties with their internet at home. He brought meatball porridge for the whole family to share. (28) Knowing how poor he is with directions, I accompanied him in giving letters to Phil. Orthopedic Center and National Children's Hospital regarding the blood drive for Kythe Week next year. We also worked on my nephew's costume for Halloween. He wanted to dress up as Micheal Jackson.
Micheal Jackson!
Little MJ! Who's bad?
October 29
Anya and I had our semestral bonding before we get harassed because of thesis. We watched Bruno (Goodness, I don't want to watch that movie again.) and made chickas (as usual). I'm so proud of my DL thesis partner! Good luck to us. Thank you for bringing lots of food. Sa uulitin.
October 30
Shopping with Mama is love. Shopped for clothes and more clothes.
Let me share to you why I love shopping for clothes. When I was younger, I was never used to shopping for my own clothes. I only get to buy some during my birthday and Christmas. My closet was practically full of hand-me-down clothes from my cousins. But that was never an issue to me. Everything was the same until I entered college. Since Ateneo didn't have uniforms, I was pressured by the thought of wearing the same clothes in less than two weeks. Mama was indeed my savior that time. She would spend so much (and I've never imagined her spending that much) just for my clothes. Mama has her reasons for buying me clothes now that I'm in college. She says that I'm in the process of establishing who "Rica Gran Flores" is. Aside from shaping my inner self, I should also be mindful of how I look and dress. People I meet don't always get to see the real "me" but only a reflection of who I really am. And she would always remind me, "Minsan ka lang dalaga, i-enjoy mo na." Which I frankly agree. I don't dig the latest fashion. I prefer plain black, white, red and brown tops. Don't get me wrong, I'm not choosy. I'll wear whatever it is as long as it looks nice on me. Oh my love for clothes!
I know, this entry was a bit boring. Sorry. I'll post another one maybe two days from now. I'll try to make it more entertaining.
Enjoying her sembreak ~ Rica Gran
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